2024-10-22 星期二    海外财经科技动态速递

高智创新    headlines    2024-10-22 星期二    海外财经科技动态速递



  • 路透社:越南总理称努力将2024年经济增长提升到7%

  • Vietnam PM says aiming to lift 2024 growth above 7%


  • 路透社:墨西哥新政府考虑推出税收优惠吸引外国公司

  • Mexico's new government mulls tax incentives to lure foreign companies


  • 彭博社:中国正在替代欧洲成为俄罗斯管道天然气的头号市场

  • China Is Overtaking Europe as Top Market for Russia’s Pipeline Gas


  • 美股道琼斯指数下跌300点,英伟达苹果收盘创新高

  • Dow drops 300 points, Nvidia, Apple close at fresh records


  • 黄金价格继续创新高,白银价格跳涨到12年来最高点,稀有金属价格上涨超过股市

  • Gold extends record, silver jumps to 12-year high as precious metals outperform stock market


  • 路透社:大多数银行预计黄金牛市将持续到2025年

  • Most banks expect gold's bull run to persist into 2025


  • 高盛预测下个10年美股S&P500指数年回报率为3%,比上个10年年回报率13%大幅下滑

  • Goldman forecasts just a 3% S&P 500 annual return the next 10 years, down from 13% the last decade


  • 华尔街日报:波音公司和英特尔公司的危机是国家紧急状况

  • Crises at Boeing and Intel Are a National Emergency


  • 黑石公司CEO称美国大选对金融市场没有影响

  • BlackRock’s Larry Fink says US election ‘doesn’t matter’ for financial markets


  • 路透社:美国将很快限制对中国的人工智能技术进行投资,根据美国政府网站禁止对华人工智能技术投资的美国新法规正在最后审批,该规定还将要求美国投资人将一些人工智能技术和其他敏感技术的投资情况通知美国财政部

  • US to curb AI investment in China soon. U.S. rules that will ban certain U.S. investments in artificial intelligence in China are under final review, according to a government posting, suggesting the restrictions are coming soon. The rules, which will also require U.S. investors to notify the Treasury Department about some investments in AI and other sensitive technologies


  • 路透社:美国司法部提议新规定对一些商业交易进行限制,防止中国访问美国政府数据和大量个人数据

  • US unveils new rules to block China, Russia and Iran from accessing bulk US data. The U.S. Justice Department on Monday proposed new rules to protect federal government data or Americans' bulk personal data from getting into the hands of countries like China, Iran and Russia by placing new limits on certain business transactions.


  • 华尔街日报:中国产能过剩的威胁在存储芯片领域初见端倪

  • Threat of Chinese Overcapacity Looms Over Memory Chips


  • 微软引入人工智能员工可以处理客户问询

  • Microsoft introduces ‘AI employees’ that can handle client queries


  • 霍尼韦尔与谷歌签约将Gemini生成式人工智能与其数据集成带入工业应用领域

  • Honeywell signs deal with Google to bring Gemini generative AI to industrial sector


  • 路透社:IBM发布用于商业的新款人工智能模型,生成式人工智能竞争加剧

  • IBM releases new AI models for businesses as genAI competition heats up


  • 彭博社:SAP云业务销售增长,该公司利用人工智能吸引用户

  • SAP Cloud Sales Jump as Software Giant Lures Clients With AI


  • 新闻出版公司Dow Jones起诉控告人工智能初创公司Perplexity侵犯其内容版权

  • Rupert Murdoch’s Dow Jones sues AI start-up Perplexity for infringement


  • 高通公司周一称正在将原来给笔记本电脑芯片开发的技术带到手机芯片,使得后者功能更强大以用于生成式人工智能任务

  • Qualcomm said on Monday it is bringing technology first developed for its laptop chips to its mobile phone chips, aiming to make them more powerful for generative AI tasks.


  • 微软将从11月起允许用户自己开发用于重复任务的人工智能代理

  • Microsoft to let clients build AI agents for routine tasks from November


  • 彭博社:台湾省发出信号对核能持开放态度,因为人工智能电力需求增加

  • Taiwan Signals Openness to Nuclear Power Amid Surging AI Demand


  • 奔驰汽车开设新电池回收工厂能够回收96%的电池材料

  • Mercedes-Benz opens new battery recycling plant that recovers ‘96%’ of battery materials







2024-10-22 07:52