2024-10-19 星期六    海外财经科技动态速递

高智创新    headlines    2024-10-19 星期六    海外财经科技动态速递



  • 彭博社:研究人员称香港从新加坡夺回了世界最自由经济体地位

  • Hong Kong Regains Title as World’s Freest Economy From Singapore, Researcher Says


  • 路透社:全球不确定性驱动黄金价格上涨超过2700美元/盎司

  • Global uncertainties drive gold above unprecedented $2,700/oz milestone


  • 路透社:世界货币基金组织总裁称中国将不再能够依靠出口驱动经济增长

  • IMF's Georgieva says China can no longer rely on exports for growth


  • 路透社:市场调查公司称苹果公司新iPhone上市开始的3周内在中国销售上涨20%

  • Apple's new iPhone sales in China jump 20% in first 3 weeks, Counterpoint says


  • 彭博社:美国议员施压日本加强对华芯片技术出口限制

  • Japan Pressed by US Lawmakers to Strengthen Chip Curbs on China


  • 路透社:据称印度计划对进口笔记本电脑进行限制以提升本地制造

  • India plans laptop import curbs to boost local manufacturing, sources say


  • 路透社:美国2024财年预算赤字增加到1.833万亿美元,为新冠疫情之外年份中最高,联邦债务利息支出首次超过1万亿美元

  • The U.S. budget deficit grew to $1.833 trillion for fiscal 2024, the highest outside of the COVID era, as interest on the federal debt exceeded $1 trillion for the first time


  • 美股S&P500指数上涨0.4%创新高,连续6周上涨,道琼斯指数创新高,得益于奈飞公司赢利驱动和科技公司股票上涨

  • The S&P 500 added about 0.4% and recorded a fresh all-time high, as well as its sixth straight week of gains, the longest streak in 2024. Dow and S&P end at fresh record highs, lifted by Netflix earnings and tech stocks


  • 视频内容公司奈飞股价上涨11%创新高,赢利和订户增长符合最高预期

  • Netflix stock secures fresh record after earnings, subscriber growth top estimates


  • 雅虎财经:公共事业股票表现超过市场平均水平,市场对人工智能电力需求态度乐观

  • Utilities outperform the broader markets amid enthusiasm over AI electricity demand


  • 华尔街日报:对芯片制造设备产业来说人工智能蜜月结束了

  • AI Honeymoon Is Over for Chip Equipment Industry


  • 路透社:台积电在被报道受到美国出口监管调查之后,周五声明该公司是守法公司

  • TSMC says it is a law abiding company, after report of US probe


  • 路透社:据称三星推迟了用于美国新工厂的阿斯迈公司芯片设备交货

  • Samsung delays taking deliveries of ASML chip gear for its new US factory, sources say


  • 路透社:美国证券交易委员会SEC给比特币现货ETF期权上市开绿灯

  • US SEC gives green light for options listing for spot bitcoin ETFs to NYSE


  • 美国法官推迟了要求谷歌必须向竞争对手开放应用程序商店的判决

  • Judge delays ruling that Google must open app store to competitors


  • 彭博社:荷兰政府公布限制量子技术出口的措施

  • Dutch Government Unveils Measure That Curbs Exports of Quantum Technology


  • 金融时报:马斯克风险最高的赌注是川普是否能够再次当选美国总统

  • Elon Musk’s riskiest bet yet: Donald Trump


  • 彭博社:Anthropic公司CEO称人工智能将在2026年超过大多数人类

  • Anthropic CEO Thinks AI May Outsmart Most Humans By 2026


  • 华尔街日报:OpenAI和微软已经聘请投资银行帮助商谈如果OpenAI变成赢利公司微软将获得多少股权,价值可能达到140亿美元

  • The $14 Billion Question Dividing OpenAI and MicrosoftThe two companies have hired investment banks to help negotiate how much equity Microsoft gets when OpenAI becomes a for-profit company.


  • OpenAI发布用于Windows的ChatGPT应用程序

  • OpenAI releases ChatGPT app for Windows


  • 路透社:据称前OpenAI技术主管Mira Murati将融资开设新的人工智能初创公司

  • Former OpenAI technology chief Mira Murati to raise capital for new AI startup, sources say


  • Meta发布人工智能模型可以检查其他人工智能模型的作品

  • Meta releases AI model that can check other AI models' work


  • 彭博社:长期不受欢迎的核能发电正在回归

  • Long-Unloved Nuclear Power Is Staging a Comeback


  • 美国联邦监管部门正在调查在视线条件不好的情况下的特斯拉FSD撞车事故

  • Feds are investigating Tesla ‘Full Self-Driving’ crashes in reduced visibility


  • 华尔街日报:现代汽车印度公司在印度上市IPO融资30亿美元创纪录

  • Hyundai Motor to Raise More Than $3 Billion in Record India IPO







2024-10-19 07:50