2024-7-27 星期六    海外财经科技动态速递

高智创新    headlines    2024-7-27 星期六    海外财经科技动态速递



  • G20国家财政部长会议称全球经济软着陆,同时警告战争带来的风险

  • G20 financial chiefs flag global economic 'soft landing', warn of risks from war


  • 美联储的关键通胀指标6月份年比上涨2.5%,利于降息

  • Fed’s key inflation gauge rose 2.5% in June from a year ago, easing path to rate cut


  • 俄罗斯央行大幅加息至18%,称将采取进一步紧缩行动

  • Russian central bank sharply hikes rates to 18%, promises further tightening


  • 彭博社:日本人口以最快速度下降,国家处于人口危机中

  • Japanese Population Falls at Fastest Pace in Demographic Crisis


  • 路透社:印度希望成为中国通往西方的桥梁,该国年度经济报告建议欢迎来自中国的投资

  • India wants to be China's gateway to the West


  • 外媒报道上海启动138亿美元基金促进集成电路、生物制药和人工智能领域发展

  • Shanghai launches $13.8 bln in funds to boost integrated circuit, biomedicine, AI sectors


  • 土耳其埃尔多安宣布300亿美元补贴用于高科技领域,包括50亿美元帮助该国年产100万电动车

  • Turkey's Erdogan announces $30 bln in incentives for high tech areas


  • 美国将给Amkor高达4亿美元用于该公司在亚利桑那州的芯片封装工厂

  • US to award Amkor up to $400 million for chip packaging plant


  • 彭博社:无人驾驶技术公司文远知行提交申请在美国上市,将成为滴滴之后在美国IPO的最大中国公司

  • WeRide Files for Biggest US IPO by Chinese Firm Since Didi


  • 分析师警告英伟达可能在巨大卖出行情的边缘

  • Nvidia could be on the verge of a massive technical sell-off, chart analyst warns


  • 美国密西根周退休基金对比特币ETF投资660万美元

  • Michigan state pension fund makes $6.6 million bitcoin ETF investment


  • 英伟达供应商SK海力士将对韩国芯片工厂投资68亿美元

  • Nvidia supplier SK Hynix to invest $6.8 bln in South Korea chip plant


  • 苹果不再是中国前5的手机公司,本土品牌统治中国市场

  • Apple’s no longer among top 5 smartphone vendors in China as domestic brands dominate market


  • 苹果在印度降低关税之后在该国降低iPhone价格

  • Apple Lowers iPhone Prices in India After Country Reduces Customs Duty


  • 扎克伯格称WhatsApp在美国有1亿月活用户

  • Mark Zuckerberg says WhatsApp has 100M monthly active users in the US


  • 人工智能初创公司Anthropic涉嫌使用“极坏”的方法爬取数据

  • AI start-up Anthropic accused of ‘egregious’ data scraping


  • 金融时报:人工智能突破为先进机器人创造新“大脑”

  • Artificial intelligence breakthroughs create new ‘brain’ for advanced robots


  • 白宫称苹果公司签署了管控人工智能风险的自愿计划

  • Apple signs on to voluntary US scheme to manage AI risks, White House says


  • 摩根大通启动了内部对话机器人作为基于人工智能的研究分析师

  • JPMorgan launches in-house chatbot as AI-based research analyst, FT reports


  • 马斯克的X社媒给用户提供选择可以防止其发帖和互动被用于训练人工智能对话机器人Grok

  • Elon Musk’s X has given users a way to prevent their posts and interactions from helping train his artificial intelligence chatbot Grok.


  • SpaceX称已经修理了猎鹰9火箭问题,将在明天恢复发射

  • SpaceX says it’s fixed the Falcon 9 and will resume launches tomorrow


  • 据称日产汽车削减日本头部工厂产出

  • Nissan cuts output at top Japanese plant, sources say


  • 日经新闻报道丰田汽车将为雷克萨斯汽车建设电动车电池工厂

  • Toyota to build EV battery plant for Lexus cars, Nikkei reports


  • 泰国将给混动汽车制造公司提供投资补贴

  • Thailand to offer investment incentives for makers of hybrid vehicles







2024-07-27 08:11