2024-7-25 星期四    海外财经科技动态速递

高智创新    headlines    2024-7-25 星期四    海外财经科技动态速递



  • 加拿大央行降息25个基点,转移关注方向到经济(增长)风险

  • Bank of Canada Cuts, Shifts Focus to Economic Risks


  • 印度时报:印度考虑减轻对一些中国公司的限制以促进本地制造业

  • India considering lifting restrictions on some Chinese firms


  • 路透社:印度财政部长支持增加来自中国的直接投资

  • India's Finance Minister backs increasing Chinese direct investment


  • 摩根大通经济学家称如何找到新的经济增长动力是印度的明显问题

  • India ‘clearly has a problem’ finding new drivers for economic growth, JPMorgan’s Jahangir Aziz says


  • 日本PMI数据显示工业活动下降但是服务行业情况稳健

  • Japan's July factory activity slips, service sector solid, PMI shows


  • 韩国经济二季度急剧放缓

  • South Korea’s Economy Slowed Sharply in Second Quarter


  • 周三美股暴跌,纳斯达克指数下跌超过3.5%成为2022年以来表现最差的一天,特斯拉跌幅超过12%,谷歌跌幅超过5%,触发科技股大幅卖出行情

  • Stocks smoked, Nasdaq falls over 3.5% in worst day since 2022 after Tesla, Alphabet trigger Big Tech sell-off


  • 福特汽车第2季度盈利大幅低于预期,2024年电动车业务亏损达到25亿美元

  • Ford misses Q2 earnings by a wide margin as EV losses reach $2.5 billion in 2024


  • 奢侈品牌古驰2024年上半年销售下跌20%

  • Gucci Sales Fall 20% in First Half of 2024


  • 彭博社:基金公司转向韩国市场寻找人工智能股票敞口,因为台积电股票市场变得太拥挤了

  • Funds Turn to Korea for AI Stock Exposure as TSMC Gets Crowded


  • 英伟达供应商SK海力士季报显示6年以来最高的利润,得益于人工智能热潮

  • Nvidia supplier SK Hynix posts highest profit in 6 years on AI boom


  • 马斯克否认向每月捐款4500万美元支持川普竞选总统,称捐款数量要小得多

  • Elon Musk now denies he's donating $45 million a month to help Trump


  • 马斯克宣称正在训练从各方面来说世界上最强大的人工智能(模型)

  • Elon Musk claims he is training “the world’s most powerful AI by every metric”


  • 人工智能公司Anthropic预计今年将消耗27亿美金现金

  • Anthropic Projected to Burn More Than $2.7 Billion in Cash This Year


  • 英伟达将开始在人工智能芯片中使用三星电子的先进内存

  • Nvidia to Start Using Samsung’s Advanced Memory for AI chips


  • 路透社:英伟达确认可以在用于中国市场的处理器中使用三星电子的HBM3芯片

  • Nvidia clears Samsung's HBM3 chips for use in China-market processor


  • The Information:英伟达推出特殊的服务器设计提升中国市场销售,之前该公司没有针对中国市场推出过服务器产品

  • Nvidia Devises Special Server Design to Boost China Sales


  • 苹果在互联网上推出地图服务与谷歌竞争

  • Apple Maps launches on the web to take on Google


  • 马来西亚要求微软和CrowdStrike考虑补偿全球故障带来的损失

  • Malaysia asks Microsoft, CrowdStrike to consider covering losses from global outage


  • NBA宣布与亚马逊、迪士尼和NBCU等价值770亿美元的电视和流媒体交易

  • NBA Announces $77 Billion TV and Streaming Deals with Amazon, Disney and NBCU


  • 辉瑞用于治疗罕见遗传性流血紊乱疾病的基因疗法在后期临床试验中获得成功

  • Pfizer’s gene therapy for rare genetic bleeding disorder succeeds in late-stage trial


  • 路透社:数据显示比亚迪扩大在新加坡和东南亚对特斯拉的领先优势

  • China's BYD widens EV lead over Tesla in Singapore, Southeast Asia, data shows


  • 日经新闻报道本田汽车将减少在华燃油车产能

  • Honda to cut ICE car production capacity in China, Nikkei reports


  • 丰田汽车将从日本银行和保险公司手中回购50亿美元股票

  • Toyota Motor to Buy Back Shares Worth More Than $5 Billion From Japan Banks, Insurers







2024-07-25 08:16