2024-7-10 星期三    海外财经科技动态速递

高智创新    headlines    2024-7-10 星期三    海外财经科技动态速递



  • 路透社:美财长耶伦称对中国人工智能技术投资限制针对明确与国家安全风险相关的较窄范围

  • US Treasury's Yellen: China AI investment restrictions are narrowly targeted


  • 华尔街日报:美联储主席鲍威尔在国会作证做出了微妙但是重要的转变,美联储更加接近降息,可能不希望劳动力市场进一步降温

  • Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell made a subtle but important shift that moved the central bank closer to lowering interest rates when he suggested Tuesday that a further cooling in the labor market could be undesirable.


  • 金融时报:新加坡主权投资公司淡马锡优先考虑美国交易,对中国标的持谨慎态度着重于有巨大内需的公司,不急于投资人工智能认为改领域有泡沫

  • Temasek to prioritise US deals and stay cautious on China. Singapore’s state-owned investor ‘not in a hurry’ to invest in artificial intelligence and warns of ‘hype’ in sector


  • 美股S&P500和纳斯达克指数微涨创新高,英伟达股价上涨

  • S&P 500 and Nasdaq notch record highs as Nvidia gains


  • 彭博社:大技术公司为了保持下半年股票上涨面临艰巨的任务

  • Tech Giants Face Tough Task to Sustain Second Half Stock Rally


  • 瑞银分析师调整英伟达股票预期至150美元,预计明年每股收益5美元

  • Analyst revisits Nvidia stock price target after Blackwell checks


  • 特斯拉在美国电动车市场占有率下跌至50%以下

  • Tesla’s Share of U.S. Electric Car Market Falls Below 50%


  • 特斯拉股票连续第10天上涨,投资者看中增长潜力

  • Tesla stock notches 10th consecutive day of gains as investors eye growth potential


  • 希音启动2亿欧元基金用于处理物流垃圾,等待IPO批准

  • Shein to launch €200mn fund to tackle fashion waste as it awaits IPO approval


  • 吸尘器公司戴森在英国裁员1000人,占英国员工总数四分之一

  • Vacuum cleaner manufacturer Dyson to cut around 1,000 jobs in the UK


  • 路透社:调查显示中国在生成式人工智能应用方面领先世界

  • China leads the world in adoption of generative AI, survey shows


  • 马斯克的人工智能公司xAI可能确认终止与甲骨文谈判扩大涉及100亿美元的人工智能芯片合作协议,xAI将建设自己的超级计算机

  • xAI Appears to Confirm Ended Talks with Oracle Over Expanded AI Chips Agreement. Musk Says xAI Will Build Supercomputer on Its Own 


  • 数据显示人工智能初创公司融资二季度翻倍还多

  • AI startup funding more than doubles in Q2, Crunchbase data shows


  • 华尔街分析师看好软银支持的人工智能技术基因测试公司Tempus AI

  • Wall Street analysts bullish on genetic testing firm Tempus AI


  • 三星电子赢得日本人工智能公司Preferred Networks的高级芯片订单

  • Samsung Electronics wins cutting-edge AI chip order from Japan's Preferred Networks


  • IDC称二季度全球个人计算机出货上升,苹果出货出现最大增长

  • Global PC shipments rise in second quarter, Apple sees biggest jump, IDC says


  • 美国开启16亿美元的芯片封装技术研究竞赛

  • US Opens $1.6 Billion Competition for Chip Packaging Research


  • 彭博社:沙特在新兴市场风投融资竞赛中紧随新加坡成为第二名

  • Saudi Arabia Trails Only Singapore in Emerging Market VC Funding Race


  • 微软与西方石油公司签约购买碳指标帮助解决人工智能能耗上升问题

  • Microsoft and Occidental sign carbon credit deal to help offset AI energy surge


  • 欧洲阿丽亚娜6火箭首次发射进入轨道但是出现了小故障

  • Europe’s Ariane 6 Rocket Reaches Orbit But Suffers Glitch


  • 路透社:大众汽车可能关闭布鲁塞尔工厂因为电动车需求低迷影响了奥迪汽车经营状况

  • Volkswagen may close Brussels factory as low EV demand hits Audi


  • 外国汽车公司在美国产出首次超过美国公司

  • Foreign Carmakers Outproduce Detroit Brands in US for First Time







2024-07-10 08:09