2023-11-18  星期六  海外财经科技动态速递

高智创新    headlines    2023-11-18  星期六  海外财经科技动态速递


  • 山姆奥特曼卸任OpenAI的CEO,董事会认为与其沟通一直不顺畅妨碍履行责任,任命CTO Mira Murati为临时CEO

  • Sam Altman steps down from role as CEO of OpenAI


  • 山姆奥特曼卸任之后OpenAI董事长辞职,共同创始人Greg Brockman辞职

  • OpenAI President Brockman Resigns Following CEO Firing. Greg Brockman quits OpenAI after abrupt firing of Sam Altman


  • 山姆奥特曼卸任之后,微软称对OpenAI公司有绝对的信心

  • Microsoft Has ‘Utmost Confidence’ in OpenAI Following Sam Altman Ouster


  • 马斯克支持反犹太发帖导致苹果、迪斯尼暂停X平台广告

  • Apple, Disney, other media companies pause advertising on X after Elon Musk promoted antisemitic tweet.


  • 华尔街日报:海外私人投资者和央行持有美债的比例从十年前的43%下跌到30%

  • Overseas private investors and central banks now own about 30% of all outstanding U.S. government debt, down from roughly 43% a decade ago


  • OPEC+组织考虑是否进一步削减原油产量

  • OPEC+ to consider whether more oil cuts needed - sources


  • 彭博社:芯片设备制造公司得到更多来自中国的业务,最近几个季度增加40%

  • Chipmaking Gear Companies Get More Sales From China Than Ever


  • 亚马逊将裁减语音助理Alexa部门几百个职位

  • Amazon.com to cut 'several hundred' Alexa jobs


  • 谷歌推迟推出与OpenAI竞争的人工智能产品Gemini

  • Google Delays Release of Gemini AI That Aims to Compete With OpenAI


  • 特斯拉签约第二家加油站运营公司直接销售其超级充电桩

  • Tesla signs deal with 2nd gas station operator to sell its Supercharger directly


  • 五菱汽车Bingo车型推出右舵版本在印尼开始预售

  • The Wuling Bingo Gets A Right-Hand Drive Version, Pre-Orders Open In Indonesia











2023-11-18 09:01