2023-9-16 星期六 海外财经科技动态速递
美股道琼斯指数周五下跌近300点,S&P 500和Nasdaq连续两周下跌 Dow sheds nearly 300 points Friday, S&P 500 and Nasdaq suffer second straight week of losses |
俄罗斯央行称利率需要维持在高位,现在已经攀升到13% Russian central bank says rates will need to stay high as it hikes to 13% |
据称字节跳动(抖音公司)恢复与美国外国投资委员会CFIUS的谈判,后者要求字节出售TikTok ByteDance, CFIUS Reportedly Resume Negotiations |
华尔街日报:美国和其他外国风险投资收缩对中国生物技术领域的投资 U.S. and Other Foreign Venture Firms Pull Back From China’s Biotech Sector |
Salesforce在年初裁员之后将开放招聘3300人 Salesforce to Hire 3,300 People After Layoffs Earlier This Year |
据称台积电通知其供应商延迟芯片制造设备交货 TSMC tells vendors to delay chip equipment deliveries, sources say |
小米的供应商在印度德里附近开设工厂,占地6个足球场,印度政府继续推进印度制造 Xiaomi Supplier to Open Factory Near Delhi as Chinese Firms Are Prodded to 'Make in India' |
TikTok因儿童数据隐私问题在欧洲被罚款3.68亿美元 TikTok fined $368 million in Europe for failing to protect children |
谷歌接近推出名为Gemini的人工智能产品以挑战OpenAI Google Nears Release of Gemini AI to Challenge OpenAI |
SpaceX完成了用于美国宇航局Artemis三号登月器的火箭发动机测试 SpaceX Completes Engine Tests for NASA’s Artemis III Moon Lander |
UAW Goes on Strike Against GM, Ford and Stellantis |